Sandra O’Hara

Sandra O’Hara (of Oakfield Park, Naas, County Kildare) passed September 2nd, 2021.  Beloved mother of Aimee and loving daughter of Mary and the late Peter, much loved sister to Katie, Ruth and Simon. Sandra will be sadly missed and never forgotten by her loving family, relatives, her dog TJ and a wide circle of friends.

It was Sandra’s wish that donations, if desired, go to Dunshane Camphill Community in Co Kildare which can be done via this link .




Stop beating yourself up about something you did, said or thought. Spiritual Living is not about being perfect. We are here to be human, we are here...

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From Spirit With Love

Transcripts from 2 events at Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael, CA.
Messages from Spirit given to their Loved Ones attending the event. Includes a Q&A session with channelled dialogue from my Spirit Guide.

Available on Kindle HERE ►

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